
[VE010] CHINA PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC Digital Stamp Album [1949-2022, 1001 pages]

$ 26.38


Digital Album Pages CHINA PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC ready for print (A4 format) Full set of pages for all stamps, souvenir sheets, official stamps, varieties, etc. as listed in Michel Catalog (non specialized). Includes: - Stamps (main catalog numbers): 537 pages - Miniature Sheets: 418 pages - Varieties: 24 pages - Se-Tenants: 4 pages - Stamps from Booklets: 5 pages - Self-adhesive stamps: 5 pages - Individualized Stamps: 7 pages - Unissued Stamps: 1 page - Pages are in A4 format - Each page (unless otherwise noted above) is available in four versions: illustrated (high-resolution color pictures) and non-illustrated (frames only), with or without frame line below each stamp row - The pages are delivered in PDF format - The page footer is personalized with your name - For each album page an information page is available - The info-pages include all main data about the issues/stamps of the corresponding album page: issue description and background information (if available), design description, date of issue, designer, printing, face values, perforation, color, stamp size (in millimeters), print run - A cover page with coat of arms, as well as an introduction are provided as well (in Word format for editing) - PAGES AVAILABLE IN FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: ENGLISH, GERMAN I can provide by e-mail examples of album and info pages upon request SHIPPING: via Dropbox-Link or wetransfer - NO DELIVERY ON CD/DVD/USB Stick!!!!