
[VE-008] VATICAN CITY Digital Stamp Album [1929-2023, 251 pages] with Info-Pages

$ 18.48


Digital Album Pages Vatican City 1929-2023 ready for print (A4 format) Full set of pages in A4 format for all stamps, souvenir sheets, official stamps, varieties, etc. as listed in Michel Catalog (non specialized). Includes: - Stamps and souvenir sheets (main catalog numbers): 199 pages - Miniature sheets: 49 pages - Parcel Stamps: 1 page - Postage Due Stamps: 2 pages - Each page (unless otherwise noted above) is available in the following two sets of versions: Set 1: illustrated (high-resolution color pictures, unframed) and non-illustrated (frames only), album rows are underlined Set 2: illustrated (high-resolution color pictures, framed) and non-illustrated (frames only), album rows are not underlined Choose the set to be delivered from the two above (same price for each set) - The pages are delivered in PDF format - The page footer is personalized with your name - For each album page an information page is available - The info-pages include all main data about the issues/stamps of the corresponding album page: issue description and background information (if available), design description, date of issue, designer, printing, face values, perforation, color, stamp size, print run - A cover page with coat of arms and an introduction are provided as well (in Word format for editing) - PAGES AVAILABLE IN FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: ENGLISH, GERMAN I can provide by e-mail examples of album and info pages upon request SHIPPING : via Dropbox-Link or wetransfer.com (preferred to e-mail, as the file size can be quite large). ***NO DELIVERY ON CD OR DVD!!!! (I do not have a CD writer...) List of available albums (Y = available, N = not available):