This action figure features characters from the popular Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise, including Leonardo, and was manufactured in 1990 by Playmates Toys. The figure is a licensed original and is vintage, dating back to the 1990s. It is a colorful and fun addition to any collection, with a cartoon and TV character theme. The figure is part of a collection of TMNT action figures from Mirage Studios/Ace Playmate, which includes other characters such as Walkabout Kangaroo, Raph, and Maxwell. This item falls under the categories of Action Figures, Action Figures & Accessories, and Toys & Hobbies. It is perfect for fans of the cartoon and TV show, as well as collectors of vintage toys. 1992 Ace Novelty Stone Protectors Maxwell (The Accelerator) Action Figure 4.75" 1991 Mirage Studios Playmate Toys Walkabout Kangaroo Action Figure & Raph 4.25" & 4.5" TMNT Ninja Turtle Sewer Samurai Leonardo w/Belt 1990 Mirage Studios Playmate Toy 5"