This is a 5" action figure of Tokka, also known as Sinister Snappin' Turtle, from the popular animated TV show Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The figure is a vintage original manufactured by Playmates Toys in 1991, making it a must-have for any fan or collector. The figure is made of high-quality materials and features Tokka in his signature green bandana and orange bandolier. It is an original licensed reproduction, so you can be sure that it is a genuine collector's item. Add this rare piece to your collection today and relive the adventures of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Please note- -The item in the pictures is the one we ship to you. In cases of multiples, the item will be similar. -We work to price our items competitively. If you want to negotiate a lower price, click the Offer button and send an offer. -Most of our items are from Estate sales. Our shop is pet-free & non-smoking- we are unsure of the previous conditions. Our pre-owned items will likely have scratches, patina, and wear. We strive to reflect item conditions in pictures accurately. We use calculated shipping rates generated by the USPS and UPS. We pack items well to ensure they reach our customers in the condition they leave us. Many customers negotiate a lower item price to offset high shipping costs. We do not add handling charges except for combined shipping—$2 per extra item. Thank you for your business! Track Page Views With Auctiva's Counter